11.2019, Croatia, Petrijanec, 3 days
- 6 coordinators and Heads/deputy coordinators
The UK coordinator
* Underlined expectations from all partner at all stages
* Discussed:
-Project Management Plan (1st year)
-the good use of eTwinning and TwinSpace
-Mobility Tool platform
-Europass Mobility Certificate
-concrete results
* reviewed and improved Project Dissemination, Exploitation, Visibility plan following NA's evaluation feed-back and recommendations
*checked Timetable, monthly TO DO lists
*verified budget
*set up website, rules regarding photo, blogging and students privacy
*decided content of Clubs activities (1st year), tools
needed to evaluate each activity
*designed tools to evaluate progress and achievement of the objectives midterm
*observed lessons and exchanged good practice with our
peers, examine the Croatian Curriculum
*exchanged ideas
*Met local government
*Completed evaluation of meeting
* Set the dates of the next mobility: LTTA for Pupils in Bulgaria : 08th-14th March 2020.