Osnovna skola Petrijanec, CROATIA

Primary School Petrijanec is situated on the north of Republic of Croatia in Petrijanec village in Varaždin county. 

Among 500 students from 6 villages attending 70% students are Croatians and 30% students are Roma Bayash national minority. Most of Roma Bayash pupils does not understand the official Croatian language. They live in poor social and economic conditions. Students are integrated into regular classes. We have 31 classes, 47 teachers and 2 Roma Bayash helpers. In school are only three professional associate teachers: special education teacher, pedagogue and a
librarian. Few students live in foster families. Around 30 students study an adapted program. Our aim is to cherish multicultural approach and educe tolerance. Integration of student Roma Bayash is fostered through civil education projects. All the participants of the education process have an intercultural sensibility. School implemented 3 prevention programs: Stop bullying, addiction and behavioral disorders. School pays a lot of attention to environmental protection, therefore is involved in the international system of eco-schools. It is a proud owner of the green Eco-flag. In school are also excellent students who represent our school in the county and further on by participating in
competitions from different school subject from school to national level. Gifted students attend Creativity School. Students gifted for ICT attend Center of excellence for Information Technology. We
have workshops on robotics, movies, chemistry, math, craft, recycling, sport and many more. We have a responsibility to provide an inclusive working and learning environment that affords all students to achieve their full potential. We would like to share and distribute our experience in organizing and publishing projects to other schools. At the same time from partner schools, we will get advice on how to expand our knowledge through others experience examples and widen
knowledge and horizon by learning about other cultures and countries. Because of our students, we want to join this project. Many of them leave school early. This project will give them chance to learn
something new, different from usual school subjects. Participating in this project students will feel safe and become encouraged for future live outside school. Key people in charge of the project in the
school are the ICT, English and STEM teachers who help students to improve ICT skills, communication and all other skills in STEM. ICT and English teacher have experience in project.
STEM teachers will be first time involved in Erasmus project. They want new knowledge and willingness to actively contribute to the realization. They often initiate school projects for students and the local community. Our school will become successful, safe, encouraging and reliable for all students. We will use modern teaching technics and methods to create quality development of a person. That is our vision. Our moto is: “Let’s grow together!”