About Our Project image
Social inclusion is a priority for Europe so our Project is related to the 2017 European Pillar of Social Rights.
It promotes inclusiveness, diversity, equality, gender balance, non-discrimination, tolerance through education, as the strategic framework in Education and Training 2020.
Regarding making lifelong learning and mobility a reality. Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training. Promoting equity, active citizenship and enhancing creativity/innovation, entrepreneurship, at all levels. Our children have a variety of social and educational backgrounds. They face obstacles of communicating effectively in the language of the
country they live in. Student wellbeing is a priority for us. The need to be more inclusive is a concern and motivation to prevent leaving school early so we decided that the best is an exchange of good practices, as all 6 schools face the same problem: social inclusion.
All 6 partner schools have a need for educational intervention to keep up to date with the latest methods and best practice in European Education and social inclusion through digitalization, game based learning, robotics, integrated science, arts and mathematics with digital devices (STEAM). The Project will create a European dimension and promote global citizenship. Over 2 years, we will share the good practice in order to improve the quality, continuous training of teaching staff by organizing 2 short term joint staff training events. The 2 short-term exchanges of groups of pupils will ensure a better language competence and ICT competencies. They will gain socio-cultural knowledge of the partner countries and become more confident, resilient global learners. Our project will be inclusive to all ages, ability, and gender including children with disadvantaged backgrounds and/or special needs. We will aim to better language fluency, particularly in English